Do you feel like you need extra income, but don’t have time for a second job? If you are working full-time, you may feel locked into the schedule that you have. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a secondary job to bring in additional income. We live in a gig economy, and starting…
4 Steps to Buying Your First Home
Buying your first home is a big step. It’s probably one of the biggest assets you’ll ever purchase, and one of the largest debts you’ll ever carry. Yes, there is a lot of paperwork. Yes, there are a lot of details to work out during the home-buying process. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming….
4 Things to do to Ease Your Financial Worries
We all have them: financial worries that keep us up at night and leave us feeling uneasy about whether we’ll have enough money to do what we want. The things you might worry about most are the things that feel out of your control. Maybe you feel concerned about your job security, or you wish…
Estate Planning Checklist For Young Families
Planning for the future is not always top priority for young families. When you’re wrangling a toddler, planning beyond next Tuesday can feel like an exercise in futility. Estate planning, however, means that if anything happens to you, your family is protected. Having basic documents in place may be able to help you minimize or avoid…
Divorce and QDRO: Protecting Your Finances
It is no secret that getting a divorce can be financially detrimental—especially to women who are divorcing men. Many women experience a lower standard of living after divorce, and about 20% fall to the poverty level. If you haven’t been working outside the home, or have gaps in your work history, it’s especially important to…
What Should Happen to The Home if You Divorce?
Divorce brings a multitude of changes to your life. One of the most obvious changes is a new living arrangement. You and your soon-to-be ex will now be living separately—so who stays in the home and who goes? What should you do? As you work through the terms of you divorce agreement, consider these things…
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