Finding yourself breaking even each month? Don’t have enough cash to handle your bills, your regular spending, and all the important things you want to do in your life? There’s no sugarcoating it: that’s not a fun position to be in with your finances. But there’s also no reason to get down and discouraged because…
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Should You Accept Equity Compensation in Lieu of a Higher Salary?
Dreaming of getting rich? To increase your chances of that dream coming true, you may want to consider equity compensation rather than focusing entirely on earning a higher salary. Think about the billionaires in the world. How did they make their wealth? Almost all of them got their high net worth from equity stakes in…
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Once you’ve graduated from medical school and completed your residency, it feels like you’ve finally made it. After years of intense work and effort, you’re ready to put your education, training, and expertise into practice. But if you’re like most young physicians, finally finishing school means just getting started with paying for it. Student loan refinancing can…
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Are Mini-Retirements Right For You?
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